Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A New Year Already!?!

YES- It is the new decade already and I have not posted since two months ago. (obviously consistency was never part of my world, which can be proven with the way I play music...) So, what have I been up to? Well, last semester was big a blow, one of the least enjoyable studio experiences. Not to say that I had a horrible time, it was just the most stressed and non-liberating studio. I had a tough time developing my ideas but I learned a lot. (esp some basic architecture skills, that our courses just refuses to go over..)

Now the new semester has already begun, (yay, finished my portfolio on time without pulling all-nighters!) and before the end of the first week, hw is already piling up...It seems like classes are more enjoyable (?) this semester, though I will be taking more load. (based off of the fact that taking less load did not make me less stressed or my grades...only made me procrastinate more.) One interesting class I am taking is Personal Ethics for the 21st Century, which I believe will be a good break, in a sense. (we meditate in class)

That's around where I am in life so far. Still trying to get some things sent in for scholarships, study abroad, and competitions. Till next time, 2010, here I come!