Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Intro Days

Monday and to day (Tues.) were the intro days for the international students. This is my first time meeting SO many different international architecture students!! There are about 50 or so of us, from Spain, Brazil, France, UK, States, Japan, China, Australia, Czech Republic, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Cypress, Germany, Portugal, Holland....these are just the countries I remember. It was just simply amazing. People were exchanging so many different topics, jokes, and different assumptions about each other's country. I think it will get even more exciting once we get to meet the Danish students and all work on architecture projects together!

We all went out for drinks after school and exchanged information about where to buy the cheapest bike, where to find apts, or where the cheapest bars are at. I have tried Carlsberg and Tubor, both traditional Danish beer, and enjoyed them a lot! @ Europe, people drink less hard liquor and just really enjoy having a nice drink. So no beer pong or vodka shots, which I think is a great way to know each other, without all the ugly stuff. :) Carlsberg and Tubor are pretty light beer, but a great aroma, similar to Asahi or Kiri but a more heavy and full taste.

I have also discovered the Danish dollar store called Tiger. It is MUCH better than dollar stores from the states. Things are better quality and designed to look nice and durable. Everything useful can be found there, from toiletries to notebooks, instead out dated decorations and cheap soda drinks. I have found a toilet paper role with puzzles on it, and bought a waterproof messenger bag for 50kr (~$8.50, one of the most expensive ones in the store) with a map of Copenhagen printed on it. Tiger is now my new favorite store. XD Tiger site in uk, for all who don't understand Danish~