Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ethics Journal

So for the ethics class, we have to keep a weekly blog to answer some BIG questions in life. If you are interested in hurting your brain for no other purpose then benefiting your philosophical self, then you are welcome to visit. If you have urging opinions to comment, please comment in this blog for now, since the blog will be open access to my classmates, which would probably not be too appropriate to comment there. Bon Appetit!


DDRKirby(ISQ) January 22, 2010 at 8:05 PM  

Another blog for my insatiable consumption! Thanks for the link; you know I will check it daily ;)

DDRKirby(ISQ) January 22, 2010 at 8:32 PM

Personal identity wasn't a very interesting topic to me until I really started having a real sense of self--around junior or senior year of high school. Of course my sense of self has further developed over time, as it will continue to, but that time when I started to call myself "Timm[ie]" marked a very significant change in how I viewed myself.

I think the question of what defines a person is a really interesting one, since everyone sees a different side of you. This is partly because of egotism and narcissism, but I like asking people what they think of me. It's also interesting to see what their first impressions of me were, but more interesting to see how they view me as a person now.

The last person I asked this said that she mainly thought of me in two ways: the first was my ability, and the way that I seem to be able to accomplish so many things and become so talented at them, by having both the efficiency and the drive to take myself to higher places. The second was that I am surprisingly open, in terms of talking about myself and my feelings, in my blog, and in my letters, and even face to face (though this mainly only happens in an intimate one-on-one conversation).

Compare to how people knew me in high school around freshman or sophomore year--I was "that guy who can solve a Rubik's cube really fast". Even to many of my closer friends, they still described that as something that stood out about me.

But if you asked -me- what I think are the defining characteristics of myself,'d probably get an extremely lengthy answer (like this one =P). I actually have plans (though not certain) to write a short book describing myself and who I am.

However, there are certain aspects of myself which I consider to be more "important" than others in terms of how I define myself. A lot of this is related to what I mean when I talk about "being Timm[ie]". For example, being girly, loving sanrio, writing letters, caring deeply for my friends, and being happy-go-lucky. Interestingly enough, I lost touch with that last trait recently, but regained it just this week, thanks to an amazing, amazing friend who has turned my life around.

Of course, there is =another= side to me--a side which I sometimes like to refer to as the "boy side" (to contrast with the "girl side", of course). This is the part of me that loves playing all sorts of computer games and video games, glowsticking, programming, producing electronic music, etc. Of course, there is some overlap, in that the same drive and motivation that allows me to do crazy things in Tetris allows me to write hundreds of letters to friends, but they are more or less disjoint since they rarely interact with each other directly.

And, of course, another way to look at things is to look at what factors of my personality -motivate- my personality. For example, I am a huge perfectionist, and am very "Type A", so this explains some aspects of both my "girl side" and my "boy side".

However, I think when you ask me about identity, I tend to think less of those things, and more about WHO I am (rather than WHY I am that person). If that makes sense.

Overall, there is of course no succinct way of describing your entire being, and it is very difficult for someone else (yourself, even) to gain a complete understanding of the entire subject. But, people who know me well enough will understand somewhat well when I answer who I am by relating it to the concept of "being Timm[ie]".

DDRKirby(ISQ) January 22, 2010 at 8:35 PM  

And yes, expect me to comment this much on all of your weekly questions ;)

Albert February 3, 2010 at 11:08 PM  
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Albert February 3, 2010 at 11:09 PM  

Hello! It's Albert Liu; Timmie linked me here. I took this class a year ago, so I was pleasantly surprised to learn that you are taking it now. Back then we didn't have a blog component, but I think it will be quite an interesting development. I look forward to reading XD

Jessica Lai February 5, 2010 at 12:49 AM  

haha, cool! i think it would be great if you are willing to share too! I am interested in what this class has made you think about too. :}

Albert February 5, 2010 at 10:10 AM  

If you look through my past Facebook Notes, I've got two of my essays for the class up there. Not sure if I still have my journal entries though.